Moments, days... Maybe months..

You know when you miss someone so much that you can't move or breathe without crying for him/ her!!!

I really don't know why I am writing this, but if I don't write, I will get sick for sure. I'm trying so hard to hide the tears of my heart..

I have to be strong and face this hard life with it's days and obstacles. I need to do something.. I need help,,,, I need a hug :-(


7aki Fadi said...

Virtual HUG :).

Hope you are feeling better now.

Qabbani said...

hey take it easy ..

every thing by time
by time...

be strong and Keep ur Smile up :)

Anonymous said...

it is ok day soon inshalla you will meet him and things will be just fine..always think that you want to be strong for him so when he comes back he will see the fresh, bright, active Rula is waiting for him...that will make him happier for sure..

I am sorry I talked too much but I rally feel you I wish I can help. :)

Jasmina said...

Ya 7ayati all of you who commented to support me, 3an jad I appreciate it, and I promise that I will be stronger from now on.. Thank you all..

Mala2e6 said...


whatever it is,it will pass.bad things start big and gets smaller..

w hay big big big HUG..i really wish u r feeling better now


Life said...

tyb lesh virtual.. Life sho bte3mal.. I can give you a reaaaaaaaaaaal hug.. :D

come to mama hayat.. come baby :) commmmon lolo.. cheer up !

Curly Wurly said...

big HUGGGG ,,hehe. i know exactly how you feel :(:( inshallah byerja3 soon